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Top 17 Benefits of Angular – You Need to Know

February 7, 2024head Image


A cross-platform app development project involves numerous frameworks and environments. It, however, makes it more difficult for entrepreneurs to find the right framework for developing a tailored app. If you also face the same difficulty with your next business app, read this blog and discover how Angular 17 can solve your problem.

Introduction of Angular Framework

Angular is an open-source, front-end framework for building client-side applications. Developed and maintained by the technology giant Google, Angular can simplify the development of dynamic SPAs (Single-page applications). It offers a set of tools and features to streamline the application development process.

Angular JS is one of the most preferred frameworks for cross-platform app development. It is useful in developing large-scale, enterprise-grade applications and real-time applications like chat applications. Google brings a newer version of this framework regularly. Let’s understand cross-platform app development before discussing the role of Angular framework in cross-platform mobile application development .

What is Cross-platform App Development?

Cross-platform app development is a process of building a feature-rich app that can run across all platforms and devices. Cross-platform apps have a single codebase for various platforms like Android, iOS, and the web. These apps are highly cost-effective and take less time to develop as compared to their native counterparts.


Native Apps

Cross-Platform Apps

Development Language

Platform-specific (e.g., Swift for iOS, Java/Kotlin for Android)

Use web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) or a common language (e.g., React Native, Flutter)


Optimized for better performance on the specific platform

May have a slight performance issue due to abstraction layers

Access to APIs

Direct access to platform-specific APIs and features

May have delays in accessing the latest platform features

User Interface

Can provide a more native and platform-specific look and feel

Often uses a single codebase and may have a less native appearance

Development Time

Require separate codebases for each platform, increasing development time

Faster development with a single codebase, reducing time and effort


Requires platform-specific updates and maintenance

Centralized updates can simplify maintenance but may still require adjustments for each platform

Integration with OS

Seamless integration with the device’s operating system

Integration may not be as seamless, and updates might be needed for each platform

Cross-platform apps have some limitations in performance and user experience. For example, native apps can provide users with a more platform-specific experience whereas cross-platform apps lack it. However, development speed and reduced costs attract many companies to opt for cross-platform mobile application development.

Here, it is fair to mention that choosing the app development approach depends on various factors including desired functionalities and budget. Let’s understand the role of the Angular framework in meeting the requirements of cross-platform app development.

How Angular Can Meet Cross-platform App Requirements

The Angular framework offers a full-stack solution for developing lightweight and high-performing applications. It can make enterprise-grade, scalable applications that support desktops, smartphones, and tablets.

Angular holds significant potential in cross-platform app development , offering several benefits-

Code Reusability

It promotes code reusability across platforms. Developers can build components for one platform and adapt them for other platforms. It minimizes code duplication and app development time in cross-platform apps.

Hybrid Rendering

Angular promotes hybrid rendering, where some routes are pre-rendered at build time and others rendered at runtime for a more dynamic experience. This balance between build and dynamic functionality caters to various needs of cross-platform apps.

Native Mobile Apps

Angular can be combined with Electron, a framework for building cross-platform desktop applications using web technologies. You can hire a cross-platform developer to leverage their existing Angular expertise to build apps for iOS and Android OS.

Performance and Scalability

Angular applications are known for their performance and scalability, thanks to features like Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation and lazy loading. This makes them suitable for complex and demanding cross-platform applications.

Continuous Improvement

The Angular team actively maintains and improves the framework, ensuring developers have access to the latest features and bug fixes. This ensures that Angular remains a viable and competitive option for cross-platform development.

Recently, Google has brought a new version for Angular known as Angular 17.

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Angular 17- What’s New in the Latest Version?

v17 has brought many advanced features. For example, Angular developers can get up to 87% faster development for hybrid rendering and 67% faster development for client-side rendering.

As the next big update, Angular 17 has some enhancements to make the development process more developer-friendly. Keeping an improved Angular Renaissance in the core, Angular 17 brings a new syntax for control flow with improved support for lazy loading of page components. Moreover, Angular 17 offers enhanced support for Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and view transitions API.

Talking about the new features and functionality enhancements, Angular 17 offers the following- Built-in Control Flow: A new syntax is more ergonomic and performant than the existing syntax for control flow.

  • Deferrable Views:

    It is a new, more declarative, and easier way to use lazy load components in Angular.

  • Revamped Rendering Experience:

    A new prompt in the Angular CLI makes it easier for developers to enable server-side rendering.

  • New Lifecycle Hooks:

    Two new lifecycle hooks ngOnDestroy and ngOnChanges make it easier to clean up resources and respond to changes in input values.

  • Input Value Transforms:

    This is a new way to transform input values before they are assigned to a component property.

  • Style and StyleURLs as Strings:

    A more concise way to specify the styles for a component that is easier to read.

  • Community Schematics:

    v17 has a new way to create custom schematics that app developers can use to automate tasks in Angular projects.

It is interesting to see how Angular 17 will play a crucial role in cross-platform app development services.

Role of Angular 17 in Cross-platform App Development- Explained

Angular 17 plays a pivotal role in cross-platform app development. The framework offers numerous benefits to streamline the development process and high-quality apps.

Key strengths of Angular for developing feature-rich cross-platform apps are-

1. High Compatibility

Angular 17 enables developers to create web applications that adapt seamlessly across various devices and platforms, including web, mobile web, native mobile, and native desktop. This saves development time and resources while ensuring a consistent UX across different platforms.

2. Code Sharing

Component-based architecture of Angular enables app developers to easily share code across platforms for reducing redundancy and simplifying maintenance. This is specifically necessary in building large and complex applications that can run across different operating systems.

3. Enhanced Experience

Angular 17 offers improved developer tools and functionalities like simplified CLI commands and empowered debugging tools. This latest version can significantly streamline the development process and increase the productivity of application developers. As a result, you can get the tailored app in less time.

Pre-built components

Angular has a comprehensive set of pre-built Material Design components. This framework also offers UI elements like navigation, forms, and buttons that ensure consistent and aesthetically pleasing applications across platforms.

These advantages make Angular 17 a powerful tool for building high-performance, scalable, and maintainable cross-platform applications.

Performance Optimization in Cross-platform Applications using Angular 17

Performance optimization is a critical aspect of cross-platform application development. Angular 17, with its features and inherent strategies, can enhance the app’s performance. One such example is the implementation of lazy loading. This strategy involves a technique of loading modules or components only when necessary. As a result, you can reduce the initial load time of the application. It further helps in improving the user experience. App users only download the necessary resources when navigating through different sections of the app quickly.

Another notable feature of Angular 17 is the Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation. It involves the translation of the application’s TypeScript code into efficient and optimized JavaScript code during the build process. This pre-compilation step eliminates the need for the browser to perform on-the-fly compilation. It ensures faster startup times and improves the overall performance of the tailored application.

Apart from these features, Angular 17 incorporates performance-enhancing functionality including tree-shaking, a process that removes unused code from the application bundle to reduce its size. Smaller bundles lead to quicker downloads and faster rendering times. Another technique is code-splitting, which enables the application to load only through the code needed for the current view. This can further reduce initial loading times.

Moreover, Angular 17 has some enhancements in the domains of rendering and changing detection. It is useful for optimizing the way the framework updates the user interface in response to data changes. This could involve more efficient algorithms or mechanisms for tracking and managing changes. It results in a smoother and more responsive user interface.

Simply put, advancements in the Angular 17 version contribute to a better user experience and ensure that Angular remains a robust choice for developing high-performance cross-platform applications.

Business Benefits of Angular-powered Cross-platform Apps

The unparalleled versatility of the Angular framework offers excellent cross-platform compatibility. You can hire Angular developers to build applications for multiple devices and OS using this compatibility. The cross-platform compatibility ensures that your business app can reach a wider audience with enhanced accessibility. Here are the top business benefits of Angular-based cross-platform apps-

Code Reusability

The Angular framework enables developers to reuse code across various platforms. You can hire cross-platform developers who can write the app logic once and use it on Android and iOS platforms thereby saving development time.

Single Codebase

Angular supports a single codebase for the entire enterprise-grade application. As a result, developers can add updates, fix bugs and integrate new features into the app more efficiently. In other words, developers have to make changes in one place only.

Consistent Experience

Using Angular for developing cross-platform apps can assist you in giving a consistent user experience across different devices and platforms. This consistency is crucial for maintaining a sophisticated appearance for your business application.

Native Access

Frameworks like NativeScript enable Angular apps to access native device features and APIs. As a result, app developers incorporate platform-specific functionalities seamlessly. This is important for creating apps that take full advantage of the underlying OS.

Community Support

Angular has a large and thriving community of active developers. It means that a cross-platform app development company can get ample support and resources for any issue. This community-driven support can be valuable when facing development challenges.

Testing Support

Angular has built-in support for both unit testing and end-to-end testing. It makes it easy for developers to ensure the reliability and stability of their applications. All you get is a high-quality cross-platform app with flawless functionality.

Mature Ecosystem

Angular has a mature ecosystem with a variety of third-party libraries, tools, and extensions. This powerful system can enhance development by providing solutions for common challenges and accelerating development tasks.Simply put, Angular-based cross-platform app development offers a range of benefits to developers and enterprises.

Concluding Lines

Angular 17 stands as an advanced and versatile version of Angular. It benefits the cross-platform app development domain in multiple ways. Features like code reusability, single codebase, and faster development play a vital role in creating apps with desired features. You can consult and get assistance from a reputed cross-platform mobile app development company to leverage the benefits of the Angular 17 framework.

As we move forward into the age of ever-evolving technology, Angular 17 proves to be more than just a framework—it’s a game changer for developers and entrepreneurs. It is fair to mention that Angular 17 paves the way for innovative and high-quality cross-platform applications. If you want to embark on a journey that involves efficiency and consistency in a customized application, Angular 17 is one of the best choices.

Do you want to hire mobile app developers or have questions about cross-platform app development in mind? Simply send us an email at info@siliconithub.com and we’ll get back to you soon.


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Your Questions Answered about Angular 17 in Cross-platform App Development

Angular 17 is the latest version of the Angular framework, known for its advanced features and improvements in cross-platform app development

Angular 17 supports cross-platform app development by providing features like code reusability, hybrid rendering, native mobile app development capabilities, performance and scalability, continuous improvement, and enhanced developer experience.

Angular 17 optimizes performance in cross-platform applications through features like lazy loading, Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation, tree-shaking, code-splitting, and enhancements in rendering and change detection.

You can get assistance with cross-platform app development using Angular 17 by consulting with a reputed cross-platform mobile app development company or contacting info@siliconithub.com for inquiries.

Angular 17 offers benefits such as code reusability, enhanced developer tools, performance optimization, and compatibility across various devices and platforms.

Angular 17 introduces features like built-in control flow, deferrable views, revamped rendering experience, new lifecycle hooks, input value transforms, style and styleURLs as strings, and community schematics.

The business benefits of Angular-powered cross-platform apps include code reusability, single codebase, consistent user experience, native access, community support, testing support, and a mature ecosystem.