Chord Genome

The Chord Genome Project lets you search for songs based on the chords they use.

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The Project

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Chord Genome Project to help make the guitar easier for beginners.

Use this site’s Search Engine to find easy songs that use chords you already know. You can also filter by genres, search by chord progression, do wildcard searches, and so much more.

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All Features

Search Songs by Chord
Use this site’s Search Songs by Chord tool to quickly find easy tunes using whatever chords users know. Users can also filter by Genre, Decade, and “Progression.”

Create Free Account
Join Chord Genome and be a free member of the platform. A free member can view 10% of all matching songs for every search.

Log In
Successfully registered users can sign in to the platform by entering the right credential.

The users can access the library to find out the Chords they know.

Gold Member
As a GOLD member, users can access 100% of the database (or 500,000+ songs) and also get the premium search benefits
Access to over 500,000 songs.
All free & premium features.
A 30-day, risk-free guarantee.

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